A free service provided by your local funeral professionals and The Tube City Almanac, your independent, non-profit news source.

McKeesport Area News from Tube City Almanac


Finney Funeral Home CREMATION Simple Direct Dignified

This service is supported by donations and advertising. To advertise here, call (412) 614-9659 or email McKeesportObituaries@gmail.com.

Thank You for Your Continued Support

January 02, 2022 |

By Administrator | Posted in: General Information

Our goal is to continue to provide coverage of news and events in McKeesport, Duquesne, North Versailles Twp., White Oak and the surrounding area. We'd even like to grow, but first, we need to get back to full strength.

We don't ask for money very often. If you can help us, we would very much appreciate a donation this year.

We are an IRS-registered 501(C)(3) charity, which means your donation may be tax-deductible.

If you are financially able, and would like to make a gift, please consider doing so.

Donations may be made by check or money order to:

Tube City Community Media Inc.
P.O. Box 94
McKeesport PA 15134

Or via PayPal at: http://www.tubecityonline.com/contact/

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Thank You for 2020 — Here’s to 2021

December 22, 2020 |

By Administrator | Posted in: General Information

In an era where we're being bombarded every day on our telephones by scams and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by hoaxes and propaganda, access to information is more important than ever.

This year was a very difficult one for everyone. At Tube City Community Media, we lost one of our best correspondents due to a family emergency, while another had to give up writing for us because of her daytime work obligations. That left us unable to cover some communities with the depth they deserve, and we're sorry about that.

But we've persisted and we are working to recruit several new writers — two of them have already had bylines recently and we're looking forward to more of their good work.

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Year-End Fund Drive: Thank You for Your Support!

December 21, 2019 |

By Editor | Posted in: General Information

This is a time of year when people give thanks --- and on behalf of our board, volunteers and contributors, I want to thank each of you.

Several months ago, Tube City Community Media's websites hit a milestone I never thought we'd reach --- we had 10 million hits in a single calendar year. It's undoubtedly higher now.

When we launched this obituary service a few days after the McKeesport Daily News closed, we promised never to turn away any family for lack of ability to pay for a death notice, and we promised to keep it free of charge for readers. We are keeping that promise.

But to keep Tube City Almanac online, we do need your financial support.

We try not to ask for money all the time --- and we run only two fund drives, one in the summer and this one at the end of the year.

Tube City Community Media Inc. is an IRS 501(c)(3) charity and is eligible for tax-deductible donations.

If you are financially able, and would like to make a gift, please consider doing so.

Donations may be made by check or money order to:

Tube City Community Media Inc.
P.O. Box 94
McKeesport PA 15134

Or via PayPal at: http://www.tubecityonline.com/contact/

We are especially grateful to Scott Finney and his team at Finney Funeral Homes for their steadfast and generous support, and to Chris Odasso and his team at Willig Funeral Home and Jaycox-Jaworski Funeral Home for their continued support.

We also are grateful to the G.C. Murphy Co. Foundation and the E.R. Crawford Estate Trust Fund for their grants that have provided us with a stable base of operations for the past few years.

We are hoping we can grow again in 2020, and we look forward to continuing to provide you, and McKeesport-area residents, with this service.

Best wishes for a safe holiday and successful new year!

Jason Togyer
Executive Director and Board Member
Tube City Community Media Inc.

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Your Support Means Everything to Us

December 24, 2018 |

By Administrator | Posted in: General Information

Photo courtesy: https://www.cheapfullcoverageautoinsurance.com/how-much-does-full-coverage-cost/

Last year, 133,983 people used Tube City Almanac's obituaries page. That's an increase of 9 percent over the previous year. According to Google, which tracks the site's usage, about 20 to 25 percent of you are regular users of the service.

If you do use this service, and you can afford to make a donation, we would be grateful for a contribution.

We are an IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) charity, and your donations may be tax deductible as allowed by law.

Donations may be made by check or money order to Tube City Community Media Inc., P.O. Box 94, McKeesport 15134; or via PayPal at: http://www.tubecityonline.com/contact/

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A thank you to our funeral professionals

April 28, 2017 |

By Editor | Posted in: General Information

On behalf of the board of directors of Tube City Community Media Inc., I wanted to publicly thank all of the Mon-Yough area funeral homes who provide obituaries to McKeesportObituaries.com.

Our readership figures provide evidence that this service is appreciated by Mon-Yough area residents, because these death notices are read by many, many people:

  • From Jan. 1, 2017 until today, McKeesportObituaries.com had 42,042 visitors. Those people visited the website 188,543 times --- 79 percent of them were repeat visitors.
  • From Jan. 1, 2016, to Dec. 31, 2016, we had 79,248 visitors, who visited the website 318,243 times. Again, most of them (75 percent) were repeat visitors.

(Figures are from Google Analytics.)

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Year-End Fund Drive

December 29, 2016 |

By Editor | Posted in: General Information

You are hearing from a lot of non-profit organizations right now, asking for donations.

I hate to be the 20th organization asking for money, but I have to.

Tube City Community Media Inc., the operator of McKeesportObituaries.com, is an IRS 501(c)(3) charity and is eligible for tax-deductible donations.

If you are financially able, and would like to make a gift, please consider doing so; donations may be made by check or money order to Tube City Community Media Inc., P.O. Box 94, McKeesport 15134; or via PayPal at: http://www.tubecityonline.com/contact/

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Thank You to Our Donors

February 05, 2016 |

By Editor | Posted in: General Information

Thank you to the following underwriters who have made donations in support of this website:

Finney Funeral Homes
Clairton, Dravosburg and Glassport
(800) 448-9899

Bekavac Funeral Homes
Clairton, Elizabeth and Versailles
412-233-3272, 412-384-4344 or 412-678-3454


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